This organization shall be known as LaGrange Baptist Church, Inc., incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Our Purpose is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of God and the good of all peoples.
Confession of Faith LaGrange Baptist Church
The Scriptures
We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament were written by men divinely inspired, and are the words of God, are without error, and are the only rule for faith and practice.
The Trinity
We believe that there is only one true God, who is in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the creator and ruler of heaven and earth, who knows all things past, present, and future, and to whom we owe perfect love, trust, and obedience.
The Father
We believe that the Father perpetually upholds, directs, and governs all creatures and all events, yet He is not the author or approver of sin, nor does He destroy the free will and responsibility of intelligent creatures. God shows great mercy to all but is Father in truth to those who become children of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
The Son
We believe that Christ, being the eternal Son of God, became incarnate, fully God and fully man, conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He was without sin and died as a substitute for sinners, suffering divine wrath for their sakes. He was raised from the dead bodily and appeared to His disciples, ascended into heaven, and is now exalted at the right hand of God, and is the only mediator, reconciling God and man by faith in his name only.
The Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is fully God. He inspired holy men of old to write the Scriptures and enables men to understand divine truth, convicting men of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. He calls men to faith in Christ and effects regeneration. He bestows spiritual gifts by which believers serve God through his church. He empowers Christians for holy living.
The Fall
We believe that by nature all persons are fallen and depraved creatures, through the fall of Adam and the imputation of his sin to his posterity, and that all persons are subject to God’s just judgment for their sins.
We believe that sinners are justified in the sight of God through faith in Christ alone, who made full atonement for sin by his death, and whose righteousness is imputed to them, by grace and not by works.
We believe that all saints are chosen in Christ Jesus to be holy and obedient, according to God’s sovereign purpose and free grace, before the world began, and that they all receive the effectual call of the Holy Spirit, are justified, and kept by the power of God, through faith, unto salvation and final glory with Christ in heaven.
Good Works
We believe that good works are the fruits of faith, and follow after justification.
The Church of Jesus Christ
We believe that the visible church of Christ is a congregation of professing believers, each of whom having given evidence of regeneration and having given themselves up to the Lord and to one another, have covenanted together to be a church of Jesus Christ, to keep up the preaching of the Scriptures, the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and church discipline, according to the New Testament model. The church is the body of Christ and the pillar and ground of the truth. Its officers are elders and deacons and its government is congregational.
Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
We believe that Christ has commanded his church to observe two ordinances, baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Baptism is immersion in water, upon a credible profession of faith, in the name the Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, to show forth our faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior. It is the first command of Christian discipleship and is therefore prerequisite to the privileges of church membership and participation in the Lord’s Supper. It is a testimony of personal faith in Christ and in no sense causes regeneration or remission of sin.
The Lord’s Supper is an ordinance of Jesus Christ, to be observed by His church until Christ returns. It is in no sense a sacrifice, but is designed to commemorate his death, to confirm faith and the other graces to Christians, and to be a bond, pledge, and renewal of their communion with Him, and of their church fellowship.
We believe that the triune God in the days of creation instituted and constituted marriage for the growth and joy, fidelity, comfort, self-giving, and propagation for the creatures made in his image, man and woman. It also was designed to portray the absolute fidelity and love of Christ for his bride, the church, and the certainty of his establishing an unbroken union of happiness and holiness with the church by his giving his life to obtain her for Himself. Thus by example and by command marriage is sanctioned by God as the joining of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture. We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other and that Scripture prohibits and threatens with judgment the style of life that embraces any other practice of sexual intimacy.
The Last Day
We believe that Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth, the dead will be raised bodily, and Christ will judge all men in righteousness. The unrighteous will be consigned to Hell, the place of everlasting punishment. The righteous in their resurrected and glorified bodies will dwell joyfully forever with the Lord.
LaGrange Baptist Church Covenant
Having been led by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and upon profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we do now in the presence of God and this assembly, seriously and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.
We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to contribute to its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the care of the poor and needy, and the spread of the gospel to all peoples.
We also engage to maintain family and personal devotion; to educate our children biblically; to seek the salvation of all, especially the salvation of our relatives and acquaintances; to walk with discernment in the world; to exercise Christian integrity, dependability, and morality in every area of life; to avoid all gossip, spreading of rumors, and excessive anger; to seek God’s help in abstaining from all practices which bring unwarranted harm to the body, cause a fellow believer to stumble or harm the church’s witness; and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior.
We further engage to watch over one another in love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to be slow to take offense, but always ready to seek reconciliation according to the words of our Savior.
We moreover engage that when we move from this place, we will as soon as possible unite with some other church of like faith, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant, and the principles of God’s word.
“Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” Hebrews 13:20-21
Jesus Christ has vested authority in the congregation jointly for all matters and will hold the congregation finally responsible for the church’s administration of its fellowship, doctrine, ordinances, discipline, and actions, according to his will revealed in the commands and examples of the New Testament. The members retain the final authority to govern all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this church, including the determination of who shall be members of this church and the conditions of such membership.
Jesus Christ has vested authority in the congregation jointly for all church matters and will hold the congregation finally responsible for the church’s administration of its fellowship, doctrine, ordinances, discipline, and actions, according to his will revealed in the commands and examples of the New Testament. The members retain final authority to govern all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this church, including the determination of who shall be members of this church and the conditions of such membership.
Any person may offer himself as a candidate for membership in this church. All such candidates shall be examined by an elder, and having agreed to enter into covenant with the church and recommendation of the elder will be presented to the church at any regular church service for membership in one of the following ways:
- By profession of faith followed by baptism according to the policies of this church.
- By promise of a letter of recommendation from another church of like faith.
- By statement of a prior conversion and subsequent baptism by immersion, when no letter is obtainable.
A Watch-Care Member: This membership could be requested by an individual who knows that they will only reside in our church for a specific amount of time but also wants to remain a member in their home church. The church would offer this classification of membership. Any person asking for this type of membership would not be permitted to serve in an elected church office. These members would be full voting members, except they could not vote on the calling of any Church officers or staff. A letter of resignation to the Church office would be required to end this membership.
Members of the church who have passed their sixteenth birthday are entitled to one vote at all elections and on all questions submitted to the church in conference, provided the member is present. Voting privileges shall not be assignable. Only persons whose names are on the membership records of the church on the day of any meeting of the church members shall be entitled to vote at such a meeting.
Every member of the church, subject to the restrictions in the following bylaws, is eligible for consideration by the membership as candidates for elective offices in the church.
A member of the church does not have the automatic rights to the use of church property.
Membership shall be terminated in the following ways:
- By death of the member
- By dismissal to join another church of like faith upon request of a letter if member is in good standing
- By exclusion by action of this church
- By erasure for joining an evangelical church of a different order or in the case of a long term absentee that cannot be located
The attitude of church members toward one another shall be guided by a concern for redemption rather than punishment. If a serious condition arises that would cause a member to become a liability to the general welfare of the church, every reasonable measure to resolve the problem will be taken in accord with Matthew 18. If it becomes necessary for the church to take action to exclude a member, a two-thirds vote of the members voting will be required to declare the person to be no longer in the membership of the church. All such proceedings shall be pervaded by a spirit of Christian kindness and forbearance.
The church may restore to membership any person previously excluded, upon request of the excluded person and evidence of the excluded person’s repentance and reformation, by a majority vote of the members voting.
Confession of Faith LaGrange Baptist Church
The Scriptures
We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament were written by men divinely inspired, and are the words of God, are without error, and are the only rule for faith and practice.
The Trinity
We believe that there is only one true God, who is in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the creator and ruler of heaven and earth, who knows all things past, present, and future, and to whom we owe perfect love, trust, and obedience.
The Father
We believe that the Father perpetually upholds, directs, and governs all creatures and all events, yet He is not the author or approver of sin, nor does He destroy the free will and responsibility of intelligent creatures. God shows great mercy to all but is Father in truth to those who become children of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
The Son
We believe that Christ, being the eternal Son of God, became incarnate, fully God and fully man, conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He was without sin and died as a substitute for sinners, suffering divine wrath for their sakes. He was raised from the dead bodily and appeared to His disciples, ascended into heaven, and is now exalted at the right hand of God, and is the only mediator, reconciling God and man by faith in his name only.
The Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is fully God. He inspired holy men of old to write the Scriptures and enables men to understand divine truth, convicting men of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. He calls men to faith in Christ and effects regeneration. He bestows spiritual gifts by which believers serve God through his church. He empowers Christians for holy living.
The Fall
We believe that by nature all persons are fallen and depraved creatures, through the fall of Adam and the imputation of his sin to his posterity, and that all persons are subject to God’s just judgment for their sins.
We believe that sinners are justified in the sight of God through faith in Christ alone, who made full atonement for sin by his death, and whose righteousness is imputed to them, by grace and not by works.
We believe that all saints are chosen in Christ Jesus to be holy and obedient, according to God’s sovereign purpose and free grace, before the world began, and that they all receive the effectual call of the Holy Spirit, are justified, and kept by the power of God, through faith, unto salvation and final glory with Christ in heaven.
Good Works
We believe that good works are the fruits of faith, and follow after justification.
The Church of Jesus Christ
We believe that the visible church of Christ is a congregation of professing believers, each of whom having given evidence of regeneration and having given themselves up to the Lord and to one another, have covenanted together to be a church of Jesus Christ, to keep up the preaching of the Scriptures, the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and church discipline, according to the New Testament model. The church is the body of Christ and the pillar and ground of the truth. Its officers are elders and deacons and its government is congregational.
Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
We believe that Christ has commanded his church to observe two ordinances, baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Baptism is immersion in water, upon a credible profession of faith, in the name the Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, to show forth our faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior. It is the first command of Christian discipleship and is therefore prerequisite to the privileges of church membership and participation in the Lord’s Supper. It is a testimony of personal faith in Christ and in no sense causes regeneration or remission of sin.
The Lord’s Supper is an ordinance of Jesus Christ, to be observed by His church until Christ returns. It is in no sense a sacrifice, but is designed to commemorate his death, to confirm faith and the other graces to Christians, and to be a bond, pledge, and renewal of their communion with Him, and of their church fellowship.
We believe that the triune God in the days of creation instituted and constituted marriage for the growth and joy, fidelity, comfort, self-giving, and propagation for the creatures made in his image, man and woman. It also was designed to portray the absolute fidelity and love of Christ for his bride, the church, and the certainty of his establishing an unbroken union of happiness and holiness with the church by his giving his life to obtain her for Himself. Thus by example and by command marriage is sanctioned by God as the joining of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture. We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other and that Scripture prohibits and threatens with judgment the style of life that embraces any other practice of sexual intimacy.
The Last Day
We believe that Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth, the dead will be raised bodily, and Christ will judge all men in righteousness. The unrighteous will be consigned to Hell, the place of everlasting punishment. The righteous in their resurrected and glorified bodies will dwell joyfully forever with the Lord.
The Biblical offices of this church are elder and deacon. In addition, the church recognizes the administrative positions of moderator, church clerk, treasurer, and trustees. All who serve as officers of this church shall be members of the church in good standing prior to assuming their responsibilities.
The elders are responsible for overseeing and shepherding the church in the accomplishment of her mission. They are to provide spiritual leadership to the church by directing the church ministries; conducting the worship services; proclaiming the gospel to believers and unbelievers; teaching God’s Word; praying for the congregation; ministering to individual needs; overseeing the process of church discipline; administering the ordinances of communion and baptism; promoting holy living; and guarding the doctrines of the faith. When there is not an active pastor, the elders will serve as the pulpit supply committee.
The Board of Elders should consist of not less than four and may be as many as meet the qualifications as set forth below.
Any man of the congregation believing himself to be called to the office of elder is to present himself to an elder of the church as a candidate for the office. An ordination council consisting of the ordained ministers and deacons of the church will examine the candidate’s life and doctrinal positions in light of the biblical qualifications for elders. Upon completion of the examination, each member of ordination council will vote concerning the qualifications and call of the candidate to the office of elder. Any ordained man voting “no” must give reason(s) in accordance with the Scriptures for his vote of “no confidence”. Upon unanimous agreement by the ordination council, the candidate will be presented to the congregation and a date established for a congregational vote of affirmation. Ten percent of the roll of resident membership shall constitute a quorum for the affirmation of an elder. Affirmation shall be by ballot and an affirmation vote of seventy five percent of the members voting is required to affirm a candidate as an elder of the church. If the affirmed elder has not been previously ordained to the gospel ministry, an ordination service will be held and the candidate will be ordained to the gospel ministry and publicly set apart for the service of elder by the laying on of hands. Any ordained man serving on the examining council may take part in the laying on of hands.
Elders shall serve continuously so long as they meet the qualifications of elders and maintain a desire to serve.
Each member of the Elder body must be an active member of the church in good standing and possess the qualifications described in I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. He shall be:
- Eager to serve (I Timothy 3:1)
- Blameless and above reproach as a steward of God (I Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:6)
- A husband of one wife (I Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:6)
- Temperate, sober, vigilant (I Timothy 3:2)
- Sober-minded, prudent (I Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8)
- Of good behavior, orderly, respectable (I Timothy 3:2)
- Given to hospitality (I Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7)
- Able to teach, exhort believers, and refute false teaching ( I Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:9)
- Not given to wine (I Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7)
- Not violent or pugnacious (I Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7)
- Patient, moderate, forbearing, gentle (I Timothy 3:3)
- Not a brawler, not contentious, not quick tempered (I Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7)
- Not covetous, not a lover of money, not greedy of dishonest gain (I Timothy
3:3; Titus 1:7) - Rules his own house well, children are faithful, not accused of rebellion to God (I Timothy 3:4; Titus1:6)
- Not a new convert (I Timothy 3:6)
- Has a good report or reputation with outsiders (I Timothy 3:7)
- Not self-willed (Titus 1:7)
- A lover of good people and things (Titus 1:8)
- Just and fair (I Titus 1:8)
- Holy and devout (Titus 1:8)
- Self-controlled (Titus 1:8)
Any elder may be removed from office if he becomes physically or mentally incapacitated, by resignation, or by vote of the congregation.
An elder may also desire to be removed from office for a temporary period for reasons other than those that would disqualify him, such as a needed rest from the oversight responsibilities, a time to evaluate his personal walk and/or priorities, a family illness, etc. The process of his reinstatement at a later time will be determined by the elders in relation to the circumstances and his qualification and desire to serve again.
A grievance may be brought against an elder due to his adherence to, or teaching of, beliefs contrary to the Scriptures or due to conduct on his part disqualifying him from serving as an elder. The grievance should be presented in writing to an elder by two or more church members in accordance with Matthew 18 and 1 Timothy 5. The elder will present the grievance to the elder body. If the elder body, after investigation, believes the grievance to be true and substantial, the elder in question can be removed from office upon recommendation to the church by either the elder body or the deacon body. A majority vote of the congregation voting is required to remove an elder from office.
The elder body will annually choose a chairman, vice chairman, and secretary at the first regular meeting of each new calendar year.
Regular meetings of the elder body shall be held on days mutually agreed to by the elder body.
Special meetings of the elder body may be called at any time by order of the chairman or vice chairman of the elders or by a quorum of members of the elder body.
A majority of the elders currently serving shall constitute a quorum.
Decisions shall be reached after prayerful consideration by unanimous vote in a spirit of humility, with each elder regarding one another before himself. If a unanimous vote is not obtained and if four or more elders are serving, the matter shall be deferred or tabled until the next regular meeting of the elder body at which time the matter may be represented and decided by a three-fourths vote of the entire elder body.
If the number of elders serving is three, all matters brought before the elder body that do not receive a unanimous vote will require the participation of the acting deacons in the decision and voting process at the next regular elder meeting at which time a three-fourths vote would be required for the matter to be resolved and approved.
If at any time the number of elders serving is less than three, the deacons will then begin meeting with the elders until a third elder is ordained, and will adhere to the decision procedures for regular elder meetings.
The Church assigns the Elders the responsibility of approving messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention, the Kentucky Baptist Convention, and the Oldham-Trimble Association annual meetings. An announcement by the Elders, in the morning service, will inform the Church of the need for messengers. Any Church member can nominate himself by contacting one of the Elders. After the announcement, the Elders will select the people to represent our Church at each of the meetings.
The pastor shall always be an elder and he shall be responsible to the elder body. He shall carry the responsibilities of an elder as described above and shall be recognized by the congregation as particularly gifted and called to the vocational ministry of preaching and teaching. The pastor shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the church.
The pastor’s primary focus shall be prayer and the study and ministry of the Word for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry to the building up of the church. In addition, he shall be responsible for oversight and supervision of the ministerial staff.
The pastor shall be chosen and called by the church whenever a vacancy in the office occurs. The election shall take place on a Sunday morning at a meeting called for that purpose. Oral notice of the meeting shall be given from the pulpit on the Sunday morning preceding the meeting and written notice shall be mailed to resident membership at least one week prior to the meeting.
A pastor selection committee comprised of an equal number of non-staff elders and other church members elected by the church (the committee will not exceed ten members) shall be responsible to seek out a suitable pastor. A unanimous recommendation by the committee will constitute a nomination. The committee shall bring to the consideration of the church only one candidate at a time.
Ten percent of the roll of resident membership shall constitute a quorum for the election of a pastor. An affirmative vote of seventy five percent of the members voting is required to affirm a candidate as pastor.
The pastor shall serve until the relationship is terminated by his request or the church’s request.
The Pastor must meet the qualifications of an elder as set forth above.
The pastor may relinquish the office of pastor by giving at least two week’s written notice to the church.
Following the grievance process for elders, the church may also declare the office of pastor to be vacant. Such action shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose of which at least one week public notice has been given. The meeting may be called upon the recommendation of either a majority of the personnel committee and the elder body; a majority of the personnel committee and the deacon body; or by written petition signed by not less than one-third of the resident church members. The moderator for this meeting shall be someone other than the pastor. The vote to declare the office vacant shall be by ballot. Ten percent of the roll of resident membership shall constitute a quorum. A vote of two-thirds of the members voting is required to declare the office vacant. Except in instances of gross misconduct by the pastor so excluded from office, the church will compensate the pastor with not less than one twelfth of his total annual compensation. The termination shall be immediate and the compensation shall be rendered in not more than 30 days.
The deacons shall be responsible for serving the needs of the church under the direction of the elder body. Their responsibilities include assisting the elders and staff in accomplishing the church mission; proclaiming the gospel to believers and unbelievers; caring for the church body and other persons in the community; leading by example; and promoting unity within the church.
The deacon body shall annually request church members to nominate men they believe meet the qualifications of a deacon. All men nominated shall be considered by active deacons to determine their willingness to serve and to ascertain if they meet the qualifications set forth:
- Qualified candidates willing to serve who have not been previously ordained to the office of deacon will meet with an ordination council consisting of the ordained ministers and deacons of the church. The council will examine the candidate’s life and doctrinal positions in light of the biblical qualifications for deacons. Upon completion of the examination, each member of ordination council will vote concerning the qualifications and call of the candidate to the office of deacon. Any ordained man voting “no” must give reason(s) in accordance with the Scriptures for his vote of “no confidence”.
- Deacons previously ordained by another church who have not yet served as deacons at LaGrange Baptist Church will be examined by an examination council of deacons. Upon completion of the examination, each member of the council will vote concerning the qualifications and call of the candidate to the office of deacon. Any ordained man voting “no” must give reason(s) in accordance with the Scriptures for his vote of “no confidence”. If this council finds that the candidate’s walk is consistent with all Biblical qualifications, the candidate will be presented to the congregation for a vote of affirmation. There shall be no obligation to constitute as an assigned deacon someone who has served as a deacon in another church. If someone who has served as a deacon in another church is chosen to serve, his previous ordination by another church of like faith and order shall suffice for this church.
- Candidates previously ordained and have served at LaGrange Baptist Church will be interviewed by a committee of two deacons, to determine their willingness to serve. If this committee during the course of the interview discovers that the walk of this deacon has become inconsistent with Biblical requirements and the candidate is unrepentant and is unwilling to withdraw from consideration, they will refer this candidate to the Elders for further questioning. If the committee finds their walk is consistent with Biblical requirements the candidate will be presented to the congregation for a vote of affirmation.
Ten percent of the roll of resident membership shall constitute a quorum for the affirmation of deacons. Affirmation shall be by ballot and an affirmation vote of seventy five percent of the members voting is required to affirm a candidate as a deacon of the church. An ordination service will be held for any affirmed deacons that have not been previously ordained to the deacon ministry. Any ordained man serving on the examining council may take part in the laying on of hands.
Deacons thus elected shall serve for a term of three years.
All men who are members of the church in good standing and widely known to meet the qualifications of Acts 6:3, i.e., are of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, as well as the qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:8-13, which among others include, holding the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience, being tested over time and found blameless, and being faithful in all things, are eligible for nomination.
A deacon may resign from active service at any time.
A grievance may be brought against a deacon due to his adherence to, or teaching of, beliefs contrary to the Scriptures or due to conduct on his part disqualifying him from serving as a deacon. The grievance should be brought to the elder body by two or more church members in accordance with Matthew 18 and 1 Timothy 5. If the elder body, after investigation, believes the grievance to be true and substantial, the deacon in question can be removed from office upon recommendation to the church by either the elder body or the deacon body. A majority vote of the members voting is required to remove a deacon from office.
The moderator shall serve as the presiding officer at all business meetings of the church. In the absence of the moderator, an elder shall preside; or in the absence of both, the clerk shall call the church to order and preside for the election of an acting moderator.
The church shall elect annually a moderator as its presiding officer. The moderator shall be recommended by the church nominating committee and confirmed by majority vote.
The clerk shall be responsible for keeping a suitable record of all official actions of the church, except as otherwise herein provided. The clerk shall be responsible for keeping a register of names of members, with dates of admission, dismissal, death, or erasure, together with a record of baptisms.
The clerk shall issue letters of dismissal voted by the church, preserve on file all communication and written official reports, and give required notice of all meetings where notice is necessary, as indicated in these bylaws. The clerk shall be responsible for preparing the annual letter of the church to the association. The responsibilities of the office of clerk may be delegated to the church clerical staff.
The church shall elect annually a clerk as its clerical officer. The clerk shall be recommended by the church nominating committee and confirmed by majority vote.
It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive, preserve, and pay out, upon receipt of vouchers approved and signed by the authorized personnel, all money or things of value paid or given to the church, keeping at all times an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements of the preceding month. The treasurer’s report and records shall be audited annually by a non-affiliated auditing committee or public accountant. The treasurer shall be bonded, the church paying for the bond.
Upon rendering the annual account at the end of each fiscal year and its acceptance and approval by the church, the records shall be delivered by the treasurer to the church clerk, who shall keep and preserve the account as a part of the permanent records of the church. The responsibilities of the office of the treasurer may be delegated to the financial secretary.
The church shall elect annually a church treasurer as its financial officer. The treasurer shall be recommended by the church nominating committee and confirmed by majority vote.
The trustees shall serve as the board of directors for the corporation and shall hold in trust the church property. Upon a specific vote of the church authorizing each action, they shall have the power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease or transfer any church property. When the signatures of trustees are required, they shall sign legal documents involving the sale, mortgage, purchase, or rental of property, or other legal documents related to the church approved matters.
The church shall elect five or more trustees to serve annually as legal officers for the church. Trustees shall be recommended by the church nominating committee and confirmed by majority vote.
A trustee may resign at anytime.
The Body of Elders shall initiate the removal process by voting to recommend to the church membership that a named Trustee be removed from office. Such a recommendation shall be by a unanimous vote of the entire Body of Elders. Ten percent of the resident roll shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of the congregation’s considering such a removal action, and upon a majority vote of the quorum confirming the removal action, the removal shall be final. If such a removal action before the church membership for a vote fails to receive a majority, the subject Trustee shall remain in office and the removal recommendation by the Body of Elders shall be considered defeated. Replacement, if any of a removed Trustee shall be according to the process outlined in the above section “SELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE”.
The ministerial staff shall be called and employed as the church determines the need for such offices upon recommendation of the elders and personnel committee.
Each ministerial staff position shall have a written job description specific to that position. A job description shall be produced by the elder body prior to recommending a new ministerial position to the church. Job descriptions for existing ministerial positions shall be reviewed annually by the elder body and presented to the personnel committee.
Ministerial staff members shall be recommended to the church by the elder body and affirmed by a seventy five percent vote of members voting. Ten percent of the roll of resident membership shall constitute a quorum for the affirmation of ministerial staff.
Specific qualifications for each ministerial position shall be established by the elder body prior to filling each position.
Ministerial staff may resign at any time with two weeks notice. Upon recommendation of the elder body or personnel committee, the church may vote to vacate ministerial staff positions. The vote to declare the position vacant shall be by ballot. A majority vote of the members voting is necessary to declare the position vacant. Ten percent of the roll of resident membership shall constitute a quorum. Except in instances of gross misconduct by the staff member, the church will compensate the staff member with not less than one twelfth of his total annual compensation. The termination shall be immediate and the compensation shall be rendered in not more than 30 days.
Non-ministerial staff members shall be employed as the church determines the need for their services upon recommendation of the personnel committee.
Each staff position shall have a written job description specific to that position. A job description shall be produced by the personnel committee prior to recommending a new staff position to the church. Job descriptions for existing non-ministerial positions shall be updated annually by the immediate supervisor and presented to the personnel committee.
Candidates for non-ministerial staff positions shall be recommended by the immediate supervisor and selected by majority vote of the personnel committee.
Specific qualifications for each non-ministerial position shall be established by the immediate supervisor in conjunction with the personnel committee prior to filling each position.
Non-ministerial staff members may resign at any time with two weeks notice. Upon recommendation of the supervising staff member, the personnel committee may dismiss non-ministerial staff members from the church’s employment.
The standing committees of this church shall be a nominating committee, a personnel committee, a church property and grounds committee, and a finance committee. Other committees may be organized as needed and as the church shall authorize.
The elder body shall provide nominations to the church for members of the nominating committee. All other church committee members shall be recommended by the church nominating committee. All committee members shall be elected by majority vote of the church. Committee members thus elected shall serve for a term of three years.
All who serve on church committees must be members of the church in good standing.
- The Nominating Committee shall recommend to the church for election those church members in good standing who accept the invitation to serve in the following positions: moderator, clerk, treasurer, trustees, teachers, and all other committee members.
- The Personnel Committee shall be responsible in all areas relating to the administration of church employees. They shall work with the elders in determining the staffing needs of the church. They shall make decisions regarding employment of all non-ministerial staff positions. They shall determine initial compensation package for all paid positions and determine annual compensation changes. They shall manage the benefit packages provided for each church employee and make recommendations for changes as needed. They shall maintain an up-to-date personnel handbook and make recommendations for change to the congregation as necessary. The personnel committee shall consist of members elected to serve and one elder not in the employ of the church.
- The Church Property and Grounds Committee shall assist the church in matters related to properties administration. They shall ensure the maintenance of all church properties, keep them for ready use, and recommend policies regarding use of the properties. The church administrator will be a standing member of this committee.
- The Finance Committee shall develop and recommend an overall stewardship development plan, a unified church budget, and budget subscription plans. They advise and recommend the administration of the gifts of church members and others using sound principles of financial management. They work with the treasurer and church administrator in preparation and presentation to the church of required reports regarding the financial affairs of the church. They employ an outside auditing firm to conduct an annual audit of the church financial reports. The church Finance Committee shall consist of church members elected to serve and one active elder and one active trustee.
This church may receive for baptism any person who has received Jesus Christ as Savior by personal faith, who professes Him publicly at any worship service, and who indicates a commitment to follow Christ as Lord. Baptism shall be by immersion in water and performed by an ordained minister of the church or by someone approved by the elder body. Baptism shall be administered as an act of worship during any worship service of the church. Candidates for baptism will be presented to the church body prior to their baptism.
The church shall observe the Lord’s Supper at least quarterly. An elder and the deacons shall administer the Lord’s Supper, the deacons being responsible for serving the Lord’s Supper.
The church shall meet each Sunday morning for worship of Almighty God. The church shall also meet regularly on Sunday evenings and Wednesday evenings. Prayer, praise, preaching, instruction, and evangelism shall be among the ingredients of these services. The pastor shall regularly direct the services for all the church members and for all others who may choose to attend.
All weddings to be conducted and authorized within the property boundaries of LaGrange Baptist Church must be approved by the elders in accordance with our confessional statement on marriage. All other uses of the facilities that are not stated meetings of LaGrange Baptist Church must be consistent with our purposes of worship, evangelism, social compassion and our confessional statement.
The church shall hold regular business meetings bi-monthly in the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December. The annual meeting will be held at a special called business meeting in September.
The church may conduct special called business meetings to consider matters of special nature and significance. A one-week notice, either oral during a Sunday worship service or written and mailed to all resident members must be given for the special called business meetings unless extreme urgency as determined by the elders renders such notice impractical. The notice shall include the subject, the date, the time and place of the meeting.
A quorum consists of those members present for all meetings except as otherwise noted herein. All elections specified herein shall be conducted at a regular or special called business meeting.
On all matters that come before the church, each member age sixteen or older is entitled to one vote. Absentee ballots and proxy voting are not allowed.
“Roberts Rules of Order, Revised – Tenth Edition” is the authority for parliamentary rules of procedure for all business meetings of the church unless otherwise specified herein.
The Finance Committee, in consultation with the elder body, shall prepare and submit to the church for approval an inclusive budget, indicating the items, the amount needed and sought for all local and other expenses.
All funds received for any and all purposes shall pass through the hands of the Church Treasurer, or Financial Secretary, and be properly recorded on the books of the church. Those who have responsibilities that involve actual handling of funds may be bonded, the church paying the bond.
A system of accounting that will adequately provide for the handling of all funds shall be the responsibility of the finance committee.
The church fiscal year shall run January 1 through December 31. The church year runs September 1 through August 31.
Changes in the Constitution and Bylaws may be made at any regular business meeting of the church. Each amendment shall have been presented in writing at a previous business meeting, and copies of the proposed amendment shall have been furnished to each member present at both meetings. Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws shall be by two-thirds vote of the church members voting.