Relationship with others
Family Ministries
Life Classes

Tuesday Morning Prayer Time
This prayer time is open to every man in the church. Guys get together every Tuesday morning in our lobby. It starts at 6:30 am and ends no later than 7:00 am so you can get on your way to work.
Outside of LIFE Classes, there are two other opportunities for men to study the Bible together.
Every Wednesday
This group meets at 6:45pm and works through books of the Bible together. Led by Bill Kunkle. Contact the church for more details.
In 2016, we are beginning a new Men’s Bible Study that will meet once a month on Saturday mornings. This Bible study will start January 9th and will focus on the book of Proverbs. The study will meet the 2nd Saturday of each month at 7:30am.
There are multiple opportunities for the women of our church to gather together in prayer for our church and community.
Moms In Prayer
This is an opportunity for the women in our church who currently have school-age children to pray for not only their own children but also the schools in our community. There are 2 different groups, one meets on Tuesday mornings at 8:30am and the other meets on Friday mornings at 9am.
A second opportunity takes place on the 3rd Monday of each month at 3pm. This is a time for the women of LBC to pray for specific needs of church members and the church as a whole.
Our goal is to provide encouraging, in-depth studies to help all women grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sessions are typically held in the Fall and Spring of each year. Childcare is available by reservation. Watch the bulletin or call the LBC Office for sign-up information.
Ministry Opportunities
The purpose of the Bereavement Committee is to represent the church in showing it’s concern when a death occurs within the immediate family of a resident member and to reach out to others who may have no church family to provide support. Several groups help with preparing food for these occasions.
Contact: LBC Office Phone: 222-9306
This team provides coffee each Sunday morning before Life Class and for special events. This is a great way to fellowship with the body, as well as welcome a visitor.
Contact: Rose Atchison Phone: 222-1207 or Billy Clark Phone: 222-5328
Teams of women meet with women inmates for Bible Study. This ministry team visits the local jail on Sunday afternoons using our LIFE Class materials. Training available. You are welcome to go on the 1st or 2nd Sunday of the month with Wendy to see if this ministry is for you.
Contact: Wendy Crowe at the church office 222-9306 Email: wcrowe@lagrangebaptist.com
LaGrange Baptist Church Ladies Book Club, or LBC LBC for short, meets the fourth Tuesday of every month, August through May! We meet to discuss a different book and enjoy delicious food in homes each month. The Book Club is open to ladies of all ages!
Check out our Instagram: @lbc_ladies_book_club
Contact: Brenda Allen Phone: 641-7551 or bja817@hotmail.com
This ministry is for Moms who believe that prayer makes a difference. Mothers, Grandmothers, or anyone who is willing to pray for a specific child and school. Two or more Moms meet for one hour each week to pray for their children, schools, teachers and administrators.
Contact: Kathi Henry Phone: 222-1652 or Linda Lawson Phone: 241-2119
The team that prays for and follows up on specific prayer requests that someone on the “chain” receives.
Contact: Jean Taylor Phone: 222-1210
We have teams that pray during LIFE Class & the morning worship service as well as specific prayer teams that pray for events, etc.
Contact: Kathi Henry Phone: 222-1652
Women On Mission is a part of the Southern Baptist Convention which seeks to equip us with missions education to become radically involved in the mission of God. This ministry meets on the second Monday of each month at 10:00 AM.
Contact: Gayle Henson Phone: 222-5157