• church@lagrangebaptist.com
  • 502-222-9306

Lace up your walking shoes, grab your family and friends and join us in:

“Walking to Turkey!”


For the next several weeks we will walk and pray for the country of Turkey, our personnel on the field there and for LaGrange Baptist Church.  To join up all you have to do is grab a friend or family member and start walking!  Our goal is to collectively walk 5565 miles. The miles count whether you prayer walk or just walk.
You can log your miles and find prayer emphasis each week by either logging onto the LaGrange Baptist website or by filling out a “foot” located at the entrance to the sanctuary. Keep an eye on the bulletin for mileage updates.  Join the fun and let’s get walking!

Total Miles Walked To Date: ___5 / 5,565 miles to go

You can email walkingtoturkey@gmail.com for a password to enter your miles walked at  Tracking Entries.